Welcome to the Members Area...

Welcome to the Members Only Area...
Since have made it here that means that you want to be apart of a community of loving, caring mothers and want to share your life with us.

I want to welcome you, and I hope that you make yourself at home here. Please feel free to email me at any time, for any reason. I am here to support you, and to offer any assistance that I can.
I look forward to meeting each member, and becoming friends, buddies, and fellow moms of the Mom Spot Community...

Meet the other moms in our Community...
Let us all come together, and share our lives, our joys, our sadness, our triumphs, and our dreams...
We are all friends here!
Post Family Photos...
Put a face to all the email and chatting. This is where we will post our family pictures. Our pride and joys...our beautiful children and wonderful husbands or any loved ones we want to share.
Our Kids Said The Cutest Things...
This is a cute page of all the funny and weird things that our little darlings have said. Of course, they will say the "darndest" things....
Why not share with the community...so we can all get a laugh out of it...
Coffee Break..
Although, on the site there is a recipe of the week, members get the opportunity to share a home-made recipe with each other. Also there will be many recipes in this area. So if you are looking for a new recipe..just dive in!
What do you think???
The message board will have polls, ideas or whatever the issue may be, you can post on this board. Important Dates, can also be posted and I will add them to the Calendar.
Free Greetings...
Members get the opportunity to send a variety of free greetings other than the postcards on the site.
Calendar... Our Important Dates...
Members can view the Calendar to find out what is going on in the Community Daily...
If you would like an event added please email me and I will add it to the calendar so other members can see.