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The Mom Spot
Welcome to the Mom Spot...
the place to come when you need a "virtual vacation..."

First, I want to thank you for visiting my site. This is a site where mothers/ parents can come to get away from everyday stresses. This is an educational, and interactive site. I welcome you to use all of my features, and feel right at home here.

Now, I want to welcome you to this little slice of internet paradise. If you are looking for a mini vacation, while online, to help relieve you of the daily stresses of motherhood, wifehood, and the "Leave it to Beaver" Syndrome... You have made it to the right place. You do not have to wash the dishes, vacuum the floors, clean the bathroom, or make the beds here! You can get away from "Mom, can you do this?" and "Mom can you do that?" at least for the time being.

This is a stress free environment. My only requirement is that you relax and find some type of enjoyment while you are here. Although, this site is mainly for mothers, anyone is welcome, of course!

Mothers, even though we all need a place to be us, this site will include a "brag page" for us to talk about our pride and joys...our children, and family. We will have a chat forum, so that we will be able to get to know each other. Also a mailing list, email service, classified ads, and tons more!

Some of my sites features include:

greeting cards,

message board, (for members)

chat room, (for members)

free email,

daily tips,


and much, much more!!!

So please browse around, take your time, sign up for a free email account and my free newsletter... and enjoy!

My mailing list will include daily tips, jokes, and free stuff on the web. So take advantage and get these free offers sent straight to your email address.

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Join The Mom Spot Community...and have a Friend for life...
You are not alone....The Mom Spot... understands, and supports YOU...
If you ever need an understanding and supportive community of mothers, or just someone to share your joys of life with. We are here, anytime of day, in any weather.... Join The Mom Spot...and have a friend for life.
Members have more interaction with The Mom Spot community. Chat rooms, Message board, unlimited usage of recipes, tips, and more. Not to mention the tons of free stuff sent through email by joining mailing list.

Join Here... Please include the reason why you feel you should become apart of The Mom Community.

The Mom Spot Community


If you are accepted to the community, you will be emailed the password to allow you access into the Members Only areas.
Thank you for your interest, and I hope to welcome you to the community soon.